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Health Services

Plexo Inc.

Visit website

Regions: Quebec

Savings / Opportunities

Get 20% off on a travel-health consultation
(This offer does not apply to vaccines and other products).

Get 10% off on radiology examinations

Radiology examinations are only available at the clinic located at 6100 du Boisé Avenue, Montreal.

Plexo has two travel-health clinics: 6100 du Boisé Avenue, Montreal and 4205, 4th Avenue West, Québec City.

About the Provider

Plexo has been a recognized leader in the health industry for more than 25 years. With its medical expertise, proficient multidisciplinary team and highly advanced radiology equipment, Plexo can help you maintain or improve your health. Please contact Plexo for all your travel-health needs (yellow fever certified clinic) and for quick and reliable radiology examinations.

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